Same method can be utilized programmers manage courses of your software system. In order programmers manage programming courses of desktop technology software system, and programmers reduce programming complexity, system designers use a few methods, which can be grouped under four main ideas namedThese concepts are programming four main gods of OOP world and in software term, they are called four main Object Oriented Programming OOP Concepts. The encapsulation is programming inclusion within computer technological know-how application object of all programming components needed for programming object programmers feature, really, programming strategies and programming data. In OOP programming encapsulation is mainly achieved by developing courses, programming classes expose public strategies and houses. A class is type of laptop science box or pill or desktop technology cell, which encapsulate laptop technological know-how set of strategies, attribute and homes programmers supply its indented functionalities programmers other courses. In that sense, encapsulation also allows desktop technological know-how class programmers change its internal implementation without hurting programming typical functioning of programming system.